You're Feeling Discouraged So Let's Realign Your Focus

Aug 24, 2021

If you’re feeling discouraged or going through a season where you are questioning your abilities, then episode 105 on Fearless and Unleashed Podcast is for you.

I know that throughout your journey in whatever you try to accomplish you will face times where you’ll feel discouraged and feel like giving up, especially with all the unrealistic expectations we see so many people talk about. Comparison plays a big role in this as well.

I am here to share some words of encouragement and reminders that I hope will help you get back to feeling great about the work you’re doing and the progress you’re making. It’s time you get back to having balance and peace in your life and take away the pressure you feel. It’s time you start giving yourself credit for what you are accomplishing. You got this!


Work with Jeannet:


Start by creating a strong foundation that will help you reach your goals by working on your mindset - the most important tool you have. Join Mindset For Wellness and Success Course:


Don’t know where to start to launch your home Coaching Business or need clarity in your calling? Book a Private Coaching Call and let’s figure out your plan. Email Jeannet to get Private Coaching Details: [email protected]


Need help to reach your health goals, a plan to follow from home, and would love the support & accountability of a like minded community of women working together to feel their best: 

Join my virtual Wellness group:


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